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Who’s Air Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari? Know all regarding the next Chief of Indian Air Force

Air Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari will take over because the Chief of Indian Air Force from September 30, after the unique chief retires.

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Edited By

Vaishnawi Sinha

Updated: Sep 22, 2021, 09: 05 AM IST

The Ministry of Defence equipped the earlier day that Air Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari regularly is the next Chief of the Indian Air Force. He’ll take over the submit after the unique Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria retires from the submit on September 30, 2021.

Currently, Air Marshal Chaudhari is serving because the Vice Chief of Air Workers and will take over the tip submit in the Indian Air Force after the cease of this month. The Ministry of Defence made the announcement regarding his appointment on Tuesday.

In its reputable pronounce, the ministry said, “The authorities has decided to nominate Air Marshal V R Chaudhari, unique Vice Chief of Air Workers, because the next Chief of Air Workers after the retirement of Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria on September 30.”

Who’s unique Chief of Air Workers Vivek Ram Chaudhari?

Air Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari became once appointed the Vice Chief of Air Workers, the second better submit in the Air Force, on July 1 this one year. He has held expose, workers and tutorial appointments at diverse ranges sooner than this submit.

He became once also serving because the commander-in-chief of the Western Air Assert (WAC), which oversees the protection of the airspace in the Ladakh sector and diverse north Indian ingredients, sooner than becoming the Vice Chief of the Indian Air Force.

Air Marshal Chaudhari joined the fighter sprint of the IAF on December 29, 1982, after graduating from the National Defence Academy (NDA). All over the span of his illustrious profession, Air Marshal V R Chaudhari has gained ride in flying a huge quantity of opponents and aircrafts on hand in the AIF.

His flight ride tallying to over 3,800 hours in total, he has flown plane adore MiG-21, MiG-23 MF, MiG 29 and Su-30 MKI fighter jets. He also has ride in being the commanding officer of a frontline fighter squadron and frontline fighter tainted.

After he is appointed the Chief of Air Workers after September 30, Air Marshal Chaudhari will be accountable for caring for several operational problems in the Indian Air Force, and also will occupy to address issues associated to the unique theaterisation model of the militia in India.

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