Biden’s First Budget Would Reduce Excess Spending on Nuclear Weapons

United States– With the commencement of Biden’s administration across the states, it is initiating its defense budget submission for fiscal 2022. And it is now one of the hot topics for the debates- that how it should handle the US nuclear arsenal is heating up and getting excess. 

And due to this, the upholders of the Trump administration’s approach are fanning the flames and warning that any new deviations will lead to severe disaster. 

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden seems to have a distinct view and opinion. During Post-election times, in one of the campaigns, he said- “doesn’t require new nuclear weapons and that his administration will work to maintain a credible, powerful, deterrent while decreasing our dependence and disproportionate expenditure on nuclear weapons”.

A nuclear arsenal blown in the air. Sources: Internet

And it turn out to be as a right view. As facts and figures clearly states that current U.S. nuclear weapons policies exceed the necessities for a reliable nuclear deterrent. Even, the financial aspect is taking a growing turn. That’s why the majority thinks that Biden should use his forthcoming budget to drive the country on a safer and more affordable path for better growth and future. 

Moreover, to extend the Trump legacy plans of replacing nuclear triad, trailed new types of weapons and more bomb-making infrastructure. The worse part is the administration put NEW START the sole remaining agreement very favorably limiting the size of the United States and the Russian nuclear armories are on the brink of expiration.

While carefully thinking about the danger, Biden quickly and wisely agreed with the Russian President Vladimir Putin to extend the agreement of NEW START  for another 5 years. 

If talking about Trump’s FY21 budget then he requested 44.5 billion dollars to sustain and upgrade the existing nuclear armories that was around a 90% rise over the last year. From the past several decades spending on nuclear arsenals likely to raise up to 1.5 trillion dollars and that is quite a big amount. 

The unconvincing part according to the reports was that some supporters of the status quo argue that any spending reductions would impair the US at the negotiating table for sure.

Moreover, the ultimate success or failure of new weaponry control will rise or fall in large part only on how these issues are treated or addressed not whether the United States build a new ICBM silo.

Lastly, the administration of Trump was costly and having a hazardous nuclear strategy that demands fundamental rethinking, and President Biden should trust his opinions and instincts and build a better one this time. 

Note: This news is based on millions of articles over the internet, Global Business Line does not take any responsibility for the facts and information mentioned in this news article.

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