Dark circles below eyes

Dark circles below your eyes occur when the skin below each and each eyes appears darkened. It be utterly different from bruising round one gaze from an harm or redness and swelling in one gaze resulted in by an infection.

Dark circles below your eyes on the whole are no longer a trace of a medical field.

Sept. 18, 2021

  1. Friedmann DP, et al. Dark circles: Etiology and management alternatives. Clinics in Plastic Surgical operation. 2015;42: 33.
  2. Vrcek I, et al. Infraorbital sad circles: A review of the pathogenesis, overview and therapy. Journal of Cutaneous Splendid Surgical operation. 2016;9: 65.
  3. Matsui MS, et al. Physiological and standard of living factors contributing to possibility and severity of peri-orbital sad circles in the Brazilian population. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia. 2015;90: 494.
  4. Sarkar R, et al. Periorbital hyperpigmentation: A whole review. The Journal of Scientific and Splendid Dermatology. 2016;9: 49.
  5. Wilkinson JM (knowledgeable opinion). Mayo Health heart, Rochester, Minn. Sept. 5, 2016.


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