India’s Nuclear Missile Tracking Ship Silently Commissioned Into Service In 2020

A recent report by Economic Times says- India’s nuclear missile tracking vessel was silently commissioned into service in October 2020. It is on function without any public or media announcements. 

This highly secretive project for tracking vessels is named VC 11184. It has been under construction at Vishakhapatnam’s Hindustan Shipyard since 2014. The interesting part of this ship and project is it is capable of monitoring India’s foes namely China and Pakistan’s boundaries, even at long miles. 

This project was under the monitoring and supervision of the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), and India’s Technical Intelligence Agency. Whereas, it was fully monitored by the Prime Minister’s Office and National security Advisor. The whole check would be kept like this, and close examining will be done on a regular basis, to get prepared for any mishappening. 

Before it got into service it underwent multiple tests and trials in 2020, before October. But due to the Covid-19 outbreak, its indications were loitered. Whereas, its initial Harbour trials of the ocean surveillance ship began in 2018. 

Reports say the tracking vessel will be operated by a joint crew, having a bunch of skilled and highly capable personnel from the NTRO, the Defense Research, and Development Organisation, and the Navy. These officials are already part of defense holdings and can handle the vessel very well, with their expertise and experience in the same field. 

Meanwhile, with the inference of the tracking ship into service, India recently joined a small group of four countries namely- United States, France, and China- which are those nations that operate similar ships. 

Some sources say the 15,000-tonne ship is well-equipped with a surveillance system having three dome-shaped antennas. And its trial and testing was commenced in 2018. 

Apart from its major function, the tracking missile launches launched by India’s rivals, those ships also used for ELINT (electronic intelligence) and monitoring missile tests as one of the parts of the under-development ballistic defense missile. The moves in the defense industry and raising better tools and massive hi-tech arms is in the favor of India, as it jumps over the world while becoming one of the strongest nations when it comes to defense arms. 

Note: This news is based on millions of articles over the internet, Global Business Line does not take any responsibility for the facts and information mentioned in this news article.

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