This User Agreement and Privacy Policy administers Global Business Line (Globbal Media Line Private Limited) ( site, portable site, application, as well as different administrations, paying little respect to how it is disseminated, transmitted or distributed to its parent, backups or potentially partners (“we,” “us,” or “our”) that connects to this User Agreement, which is officially on every one of the individuals who access, visit or potentially utilize the Service, in the case of going about as an individual or in the interest of a substance, including you and all people, elements, or advanced motors of any caring that reap, slither, list, rub creepy-crawly, or mine computerized substance by a mechanized or manual procedure or something else (all in all, “you” or “your”).

If you don’t mind read this User Agreement cautiously. You can get to this User Agreement whenever in the footer of the Service’s landing page or starting screen. Your entrance, appearance as well as utilization of the Service, including without constraint any enrollment on any part of the Service, will comprise your consent to this User Agreement. In the event that you don’t concur with the terms and states of this User Agreement, you may not access, visit as well as utilize the Service.

The User Agreement might be altered now and again; the date of the latest modifications will show up on this page, so inquire frequently. Proceeded with access of the Service by you will establish your acknowledgment of any progressions or corrections to the User Agreement.

Violations & Grievance Redressal

Redressal Mechanism: Any complaints or concerns with regards to content or to report any abuse of laws or breach of these terms may be taken up with the designated Grievance Officer as mentioned below via in writing or through email signed with the electronic signature to the Grievance Redressal Officer, at [email protected]

In the event that you rupture, damage, neglect to pursue, or act conflictingly with the principles, confinements, constraints, terms as well as conditions that apply to the Service, regardless of whether recorded in this User Agreement, posted at different focuses in the Service, or generally conveyed to clients of the Service (aggregately, the “Understanding”), we may end, stop, suspend, and additionally limit your record/profile, your capacity to access, visit, and additionally utilize the Service or any segment thereof, as well as the Agreement, including without restriction any of our implied commitments hereunder, with or without notice, notwithstanding our different cures. What’s more, we may shorten, limit, or won’t furnish you with any future access, appearance, and additionally utilization of the Service. We save the right, notwithstanding our different cures, to take any specialized, lawful, or potentially different action(s) that we esteem vital as well as proper, with or without notice, to forestall infringement and implement the Agreement and remediate any implied infringement. You recognize and concur that we have the privilege hereunder to order without presenting a bond on stop or keep a break or infringement of your commitments under the Agreement.

In case of any contention or irregularity between the terms and states of this User Agreement, and any standards, confinements, impediments, terms as well as conditions that might be posted at different focuses in the Service or generally conveyed to clients of the Service, we will figure out which rules, confinements, constraints, terms as well as conditions will control and win in our sole attentiveness, and you explicitly postpone any privilege to test or debate such assurance.

In addition to other things, the Agreement oversees all content, articles, photos, pictures, illustrations, delineations, inventive, duplicate, work of art, video, trademarks, exchange names, administration marks, and other brand identifiers, structures, plans, programming, source and item code, calculations, information, measurements, investigation, equations, records, vaults, stores, and all other substance, data, and materials (by and large, “Content”) accessible on or through the Service, regardless of whether posted, transferred, transmitted, sent or generally made accessible by us, our licensors, sellers, as well as specialist organizations, or by you, and additionally different clients or outsiders, including any such Content transferred physically or bookmarked by you and additionally different clients.

Our Facts, Opinions, Analyses, or Predictions May Be Wrong

The content of the Site is offered for general information, discussion, and entertainment purposes only. Some of the content is unmoderated by the site and reflects the personal opinions of the posters. You should be skeptical about any information on the Site because the information may be offensive, harmful, and/or wrong.

Do Not Violate Posting or Commenting Rules

You are responsible for your own postings and agree to access and use the Site at your own risk on an as-is basis. Your postings should be truthful and accurate. Do not make postings that involve the following:

  • Securities for sale, barter, or exchange
  • Harassment, defamation, threats, stalking, bullying, or violations of the legal rights of others
  • Illegal activities
  • Impersonation of any person or entity, or falsely states or misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity
  • Infringement of another’s intellectual property, including, but not limited to, trade secrets, trademarks and copyrights of any type
  • Obscene, vulgar, bigoted, hateful, or racially offensive language or images
  • Commercial advertising
  • Gambling, contests, chain letters, “pyramid schemes,” or “multi-level marketing” schemes
  • Violations of any applicable local, state, national, or international law in connection with your use of the Site. This includes securities laws and regulations.
  • Comments personally attacking the author of a post.
  • Furthermore, you agree that, if a third party claims that any material you have contributed to the Site is unlawful, you will bear the full burden of establishing that the material complies with all applicable laws.
  • The Site reserves the right to edit, delete, or hide comments.

Disclosure Policy

The Site reserves the right to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request. The Site may also edit, refuse to post or remove any posting at the Site’s sole discretion. The Site reserves the right to restrict access by any users whom the Site believes, in its sole discretion, are engaged in inappropriate, unprofessional, or unlawful conduct.

The Site reserves the right to remove content which, in its sole discretion, violates any of the rules set forth herein of which it becomes aware, but is under no obligation to do so. If you are offended by any content of the Site, stop using the Site.


The Site includes unmoderated information containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons who post entries on a wide range of topics. Such entries are the opinions of the specific authors and are not statements of advice, opinion, or information of the Site or any or any Site-affiliated person or entity.

Neither the content of the Site, nor the links to other websites contained therein, are routinely moderated, screened, approved, reviewed, or endorsed by the Site or any Site-affiliated person or entity.

The Site and any information, products or services therein are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for use of a particular purpose, or noninfringement.

The Site does not warrant that the Site will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner or that the Site is free of viruses or other harmful components. Use of information obtained from or through the Site is at your own risk.

The site is not liable for any loss or damages including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, errors, loss of data, or interruption in availability of data arising out of the use or inability to use the Site or any links; to your placement of content on the Site; or to your reliance upon information obtained from or through the Site or through links contained on the Site.

The Site is not an intermediary, broker/dealer, investment advisor, or exchange and does not provide services as such.


In consideration for your agreement to these Terms of Use, the Site grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the Site. You may access the material on the Site only for your own personal, non-commercial use. The burden of determining that use of any information obtained from the Site is permissible rests with you.

By posting to or otherwise engaging in any communication within the Site, you are granting the Site (or any of its assignees) a perpetual, royalty-free, and irrevocable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, create derivative works from, transfer, and sell any such information.

Choice of Law and Forum

You agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use or any content posted to the Site, including copies and republication thereof, whether based in contract, tort, statutory, or other law, will be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware, excluding its conflicts of law provisions. You further consent to the personal jurisdiction of and exclusive venue in the federal and state courts located in and serving New York, New York as the legal forum for any such dispute.

Copyright Policy

Pursuant to 17 USC. § 512 as amended by Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”), the Site has instituted procedures to receive written notification of claimed infringements and to process such claims in accordance with the DMCA. If you believe your copyrights are being infringed, please fill out the Notice of Infringement form below.

The Notice of Infringement contains requested information that substantively complies with the safe harbour provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 USC. § 512(c)(3)(A), providing that to be effective under this subsection, a notification of claimed infringement must be a written communication provided to the designated agent of a service provider.

Submitting Paper or journal

  • This agreement is to be signed by at least one of the authors who have obtained the assent of the co-author(s) where applicable.
  • I/We hereby declare that the material being presented by me/us in this paper is our original work, and does not contain or include material taken from other copyrighted sources. Wherever such material has been included, it has been clearly indented or/and identified by quotation marks and due and proper acknowledgments given by citing the source at appropriate places.
  • The paper, the final version of which I enclose, is not substantially the same as any that I/we have already published elsewhere.
  • I/We have not sent the paper or any paper substantially the same as the enclosed one, for publication
    anywhere else.
  • The submitted/enclosed paper is thoroughly proofread by me and in conformity with the instructions to the authors communicated to me (as per Global Business Line submission guidelines at
  • The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Global Business Line from any damage or expense that may arise in the event of a breach of any of the warranties set forth above.
  • In the event the above work is accepted and published by Global Business Line and consequently withdrawn by the author(s), the foregoing copyright transfer shall become null and void and all materials embodying the Work submitted to Global Business Line will be destroyed.
  • The undersigned, in consideration for his/her participation in the Journal, hereby grants the Global Business Line the unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable permission to use, distribute, publish, license, exhibit, record, digitize, broadcast, reproduce and archive, in any format or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed.
  • For authenticity, validity, and originality of the research paper, the author/authors will be totally responsible.

Terms for Publishing an Editors Choice Article:

Must follow the following in your article:

  • Unique analysis, commentary, and expert opinion. Our writers cover many many topics — you can write about a similar topic provided you offer an original viewpoint that is corroborated by facts.
  • The inside scoop. This means news or stories you can’t find anywhere else on the Internet.
  • Posts that relate to business, finance, or economics.
  • Relevant research studies or scientific findings. Make sure your points are bulleted and easy to read.
  • Primary reporting. This means you talked to the person(s) or company featured in your story and have direct quotes.
  • Accuracy. This includes spelling, grammar, and facts.
  • Word count. 500-800 word posts tend to do well. This is not a hard and fast rule. Take the space you need to get across what you need to say.

Writer Should avoid the following activity in your article:

  • Coverage of big, breaking news stories. All prominent news stories are well-covered by our staff writers.
  • Numbered lists, tips, tricks, or “How To” articles with very general information. Unless it hasn’t been done before, we’ve probably seen it.
  • Promotional or sponsored posts. Your post should not read like a press release, a classified ad, or appear lopsided. You should also not use your post as a recruiting tool. You should always disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Extremely personal posts. Real-life examples are great, but we don’t want to read about your private life.
  • Posts that use overly-technical language or terms only industry insiders would know.
  • Attacks. No personal attacks, conspiracy theories, defamation, or gratuitous foul language.
  • Posts that infringe upon another person’s intellectual property. This includes but is not limited to trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights of any type.
  • Keyword marketing or paid links. Adding keywords to increase SEO or driving readers to websites for promotional purposes is not tolerated.


  1. Nomination: The Global Business Line Magazine invites nominations from individuals and organizations for featuring in the magazine.
  2. Selection: Nomination does not guarantee the selection of the profile for featuring in the magazine. The Global Business Line Magazine reserves the right to select the profiles based on its discretion and editorial policies.
  3. Eligibility: The nominees must be individuals or organizations with exceptional achievements, contributions, and impact in their respective fields.
  4. Copyright: The Global Business Line Magazine reserves the right to charge copyright fees for the use of photographs, images, and any other material used in the profile featured in the magazine.
  5. Accuracy: The nominees must provide accurate and complete information about themselves or their organizations.
  6. Verification: The Global Business Line Magazine reserves the right to verify the information provided by the nominees and may ask for supporting documents if necessary.
  7. Editing: The Global Business Line Magazine reserves the right to edit the profiles for clarity, accuracy, and length.
  8. Publication: The Global Business Line Magazine reserves the right to publish or not publish the profiles in the magazine and on its website.
  9. Indemnification: The nominees shall indemnify and hold harmless the Global Business Line Magazine, its officers, employees, agents, and affiliates from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their profile or any material submitted by them.
  10. Agreement: By submitting a nomination, the nominee agrees to these terms and conditions.
  11. Modification: The Global Business Line Magazine reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
  12. Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction.

Privacy Policy

This site gathers expressly recognizing data and information about people, their organization, and their organization’s socioeconomics (specifically distinguishing data and information) including (I) when you give data to us, for example, when you register or sign up for any of our items, for example, memberships, messages, pamphlets, participation, RSS Feeds, White Papers, gatherings and different correspondences with the Publisher, (ii) when you register for some other Global Business Line items exclusively, your data will be known to the distributor and (iii) every once in a while we may include other data that we gather from outside sources to improve the data that you gave to the Publisher.

The following is the present arrangement with respect to the use of expressly recognizing data and information gathered by the Publisher. We rethink this strategy on a continuous premise dependent on criticism from perusers. The Publisher maintains all authority to change its protection arrangement. In any case, if there are any progressions to the utilization of expressly distinguishing data and information that is not quite the same as that expressed at the season of gathering, we will advise you by posting a notice on our Website.

The Publisher or one of our subsidiary sites, or outsider accomplices or promoters may put web-based following innovation, for example, a “treat” in the program records of a client’s PC. The treat itself does not contain any specifically distinguishing data, with the exception of when such data has been provided by a supporter or enrolled client. Moreover, treats put in the program documents of a client’s PC by an outsider promoter, might be utilized by the sponsor to gather web seeing information to serve further online intrigue based publicizing, otherwise called online social publicizing..

Be that as it may, we can’t connect that client ID gained by the “treat” with specifically recognizing data and information about you, for example, your name or email address.

Different treats without expressly distinguishing data and information are utilized to empower the Publisher to deal with the flag commercials exhibited or customized data to the client.

Programs or outsider programming can enable you to hinder the utilization of treats while you surf our site. Or on the other hand, you can utilize outsider “anonymizer” administrations to cover data in your treats, or even broad information, for example, your IP address. In such cases, you would not have the capacity to exploit the majority of the personalization administrations offered by the Publisher site(s).

Portable, Telephone numbers, Postal locations, and other expressly distinguishing data and information might be gathered from our online clients (and, as pertinent, our print endorsers) and might be utilized to advance the Publisher’s items and benefits, and might be leased or potentially authorized to choose outside firms for special purposes. Offers for which the expressly recognizing data and information are leased as well as authorized for use and the clients are required to focus on their offers cautiously. With your express assent, your cell phone number might be utilized to advance different items and administrations of the Publisher, just as the items and administrations of other related organizations. Further, your cell phone number may, with your express assent, be utilized to advance the items and administrations of cautiously picked outsiders. Whenever you may “quit” of getting correspondences through your cell phone from the Publisher and other outsiders, by keeping in touch with the location gave in the “Get in touch with Us” segment or by tapping the withdraw connection of any individual message you may get. Since many telephone organizations reuse telephone numbers, it is workable for clients who buy another telephone to get messages that the past proprietor had bought in to or generally assented to get.

Email locations and Fax numbers might be gathered from our online clients (and, as appropriate, our print endorsers) and might be utilized by the Publisher to gather re-capability information, and might be utilized for reviews for the Publisher and outsiders. With the exception of as put forward in this arrangement no fax numbers are leased or potentially authorized to outside firms.

(Online clients who are additionally print endorsers ought to allude to the print supporter segment of this strategy which contains data on the most proficient method to expel your name from our advancement list).

Our Website makes accessible an extensive library of substance gave to us from outsiders. While getting to content contributed by an outsider, your expressly recognizing data might be imparted to those outsiders, and the data will be administered by those gatherings’ protection arrangements just as our own. The Publisher, nor the parent organization, or any of its auxiliaries or associates, don’t bear any duty regarding any activities or approaches of such outsiders. On the off chance that you don’t wish to have your data imparted to an outsider, kindly don’t get to outsider substance on our site.

Our Website, or segments of our Website, might be supported by outsider patrons. Any expressly distinguishing data you share on our Website when enlisting to get access to any offer, including however not constrained to pamphlet content, might be imparted to such patrons for promoting purposes.

Our Website clients ought to know that when they unveil expressly recognizing data (e.g., address, organization name, phone number, statistic data, purchasing data, other information, and E-mail address) in regions that are openly available by others, that data can be gathered and utilized by others and may result in spontaneous messages from different publications or gatherings. Neither the Publisher nor its parent organization or any of its auxiliaries or partners are in charge of any data that you give in the above territories.

If the responsibility for Website as well as any of the Publisher’s different items or potentially resources are sold or exchanged, all rundowns and information which contain expressly distinguishing data and information including for instance address, organization name, phone number, statistic data, purchasing data, other information and email address, will be exchanged to the new proprietor.

We may utilize or unveil specifically recognizing data in the event that we have a decent confidence conviction that the exposure is sensibly fundamental (a) to fulfill appropriate law, guideline, lawful procedure, or enforceable administrative solicitation, (b) to uphold understandings we have with you, (c) to address misrepresentation or security issues, or (d) to ensure against mischief to the rights, property, or wellbeing of the Publisher, or our representatives or clients.

The following is the present strategy with respect to the use of specifically distinguishing data and information gathered by the Publisher. We rethink this strategy on a progressing premise dependent on criticism from perusers. The Publisher maintains all authority to change its security approach. Notwithstanding, if there are any progressions to the utilization of specifically recognizing data and information that is unique in relation to that expressed at the season of accumulation, we will tell you by posting a notice on our Website.

If the responsibility for Publisher’s print item or any of the Publisher’s different items or potentially resources are sold, the rundowns and information which contain expressly recognizing data and information including for instance address, organization name, phone number, statistic data, purchasing data, other information and email address, will be exchanged to the new proprietor.

We may utilize or uncover expressly distinguishing data in the event that we have a decent confidence conviction that the revelation is sensibly important (a) to fulfill material law, guideline, lawful procedure, or enforceable administrative solicitation, (b) to authorize understandings we have with you, (c) to address misrepresentation or security issues, or (d) to ensure against damage to the rights, property, or wellbeing of the Publisher, or our workers or clients.

Print endorsers or candidates who don’t need their names utilized in any of the above ways may compose and request to be expelled from the advancement list. Solicitations ought to be sent to [email protected]

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