
Originate hand-drawn GIFs on paper

Originate hand-drawn GIFs on paper.

How it truly works

Buckle up. It is simple!

1. Print 🖨️

Print an Arteater template.

2. Contrivance ✏️

Contrivance stuff in every physique.

3. Add 📱

Take a portray and add.

Arteater digests your artwork and returns an exciting GIF it would possibly actually per chance per chance set you and share.


Print these.

Three physique loop

Advise: Newbie

The most simple loop.


Six physique loop

Advise: Newbie

Speedily and straightforward


Nine frames with FG/BG

Advise: Developed

Foreground and background



Discover generous seasoning.

Output Description
Mario ( 👾)

Tickle your pixel-artwork nostalgia bone.

Ping pong ( 🏓)

Bounce your loop from side to side.

Colour walk ( 🍭)

Take your artwork for a walk at some stage within the coloration wheel.

Walk ( 👋)

Rotate and rock your layers from side to side.

Blur attack ( 🤜)

Aggravate your artwork with slither blur.

Parallax ( 🚞)

Procure your artwork traveling by arrangement of a landscape utilizing parallax.

FPS [1–36]

Maintain an eye on the frames per 2d of your animation. Example: FPS 4.

Enter outcomes on the Uploader online page.

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